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In-House Challenge

The In-House Challenge is run by coaches in their own labs/schools/homes. Teams submit scores to the WRO SA website during the competition week. 10th October - 21 October 2024.

Age: 6 years - 19 years
Team size: 2-3 people guided by a coach
Hardware: Free choice
Software: Free choice
Maximum robot size: 25 x 25 cm
Characteristics: Three different challenges, 3 different difficulty levels all using the Robo Mission Elementary game mat. Teams attempt one or more challenges, coaches upload their scores to the WRO SA website and receive certificates of achievement for each team. One registration 

Entry Cost: R300 registration fee for your school/club. Upload an unlimited amount of teams during the competition week to receive certificates.

The In-House Challenge is a South African designed challenge with no international final component. The challenge is run by coaches in their own labs, schools or homes. The challenge is designed for any teams beginner or veteran to continue to enjoy the wonderful world of robotics and coding. Teams build and program a robot to complete tasks on a game field. Coaches follow the general and game rules to run their own competition. Teams have 3 hours to program their robot and score as many points as possible for upload to the WRO SA website to receive certificates.

Rules for the In-House Challenge:

Must Read

Released - 6 May 2024

Challenge week for score uploads 10 October - 21 October

Released - 4 June 2024

Released - 5 September 2024

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Hands on Tech Info

Hands on Technologies
WRO South Africa's Official Supplier of all WRO SA Mats, Elements and LEGO Robotics Equipment.

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