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Rovers In-House

This challenge is run by coaches in their own space and team scores submitted to the WRO SA website.

This years challenge week 10th October - 21st October.

Age: 6-10 years
Team size: 2-3 students guided by a coach
Hardware: Free choice
Software: Free choice
Maximum robot size: 25 x 25 x 25 cm
Characteristics: The Rover Challenge requires teams to complete basic tasks on the game mat using their LEGO WeDo / LEGO Spike Essential or any other robot.

The Rover Challenge is an in-house only challenge without a national or international component. Teams compete in their own school / learning environment and submit only their team scores to the WRO SA website. Teams then receive a certificate of achievement based on their highest score achieved during the competition time.

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Rules for Rovers In-House:

6-10 years

Hands on Tech Info

Hands on Technologies
WRO South Africa's Official Supplier of all WRO SA Mats, Elements and LEGO Robotics Equipment.

Hands on Tech Logo 2.jpg
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