WRO SA Webinars
WRO SA has created a few webinars where officials and organisers will be available to answer questions about this years WRO competition. Each month we plan to host between one and two webinars focusing around a core theme for each webinar. We invite coaches, teams and others who are interested to attend these webinars and learn more about the WRO competition in South Africa. These webinars will be beneficial to both new and veteran WRO coaches.
All of our webinars will be run using Microsoft Teams. To attend a webinar please register for it below:
For previous webinars please visit our youtube channel
Webinar Schedules:
Special Event:
WRO SA - Virtual National Launch 2025
Date: 19 February
Time: 18:00 - 19:00
Join us for the launch of the WRO SA 2025 Season.
The launch will cover the following information, plus some hidden extras.
- 2025 WRO Theme
- Category Overview
- Provincial Competition Dates & Venues
- Prize Giveaway!
- and more
If you have not yet joined the WRO SA mailing list to receive updates and the latest WRO SA information click here and complete the registration form.
Webinar 3:
In Depth Robo Mission & Explorer
Date: Coming Soon
Time: Coming Soon
This webinar will cover the following topics:
Robo Mission - In Depth Challenges
Explorer - In Depth
General questions from webinar participants
Webinar 4:
In Depth Future Innovators, Engineers & Robo Sports
Date: Coming Soon
Time: Coming Soon
This webinar will cover the following topics:
Future Innovators - In Depth Explanation
Future Engineers - In Depth Explanation
Robo Sports - In Depth Explanation
General questions from webinar participants
Webinar 1:
Introduction to WRO SA Categories
Date: Coming Soon
Time: Coming Soon
This webinar will cover the following topics:
Robo Mission - About the category
Future Innovators - About the category
Robo sports - About the category
Future Engineers - About the category
Explorer - About the category
General questions from webinar participants
Webinar 2:
Team Registration & Competing
Date: Coming Soon
Time: Coming Soon
This webinar will cover the following topics:
Team Registration
Venues and Dates
What you need to register
Costs & Payments
General questions from webinar participants
Webinar 5:
Preparation for a WRO SA Event
Date: Coming Soon
Time: Coming Soon
This webinar will cover the following topics:
What to bring with you
Registration process
What to expect on the event day
Team seating areas – how it works
What can go wrong
Tips and Tricks for nervous teams
Tips and Tricks for your first time at an event.